AASCU Student Success Equity Intensive
IU regional campuses were selected as one of the AASCU institutions participating in the third cohort for the Student Success Equity Intensive (SSEI), working to achieve equitable outcomes for Black, Latinx, Indigenous, and low-income students. The SSEI, funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, will enable teams from multiple AASCU institutions to come together to work collectively on student success, learn from one another with support from AASCU and subject matter experts, and access tools and strategies through our engagement in national networks.
Regional campuses’ leaders, faculty, and success teams completed the Institutional Transformation Assessment (ITA) and participated in the Postsecondary Data Partnership (PDP) in fall 2023. Campuses met for “sensemaking” reflective conversations about ITA results over Capacity areas such as: institutional policy, leadership and culture, strategic finance, institutional research/data use, information technology, and state policy; and Solution areas such as advising, developmental education reform, digital learning, emergency aid (holistic student support), and pathways during April 2024. They will attend the national meeting held in Indianapolis in June 2024.
Groups Scholars
The Groups Scholars programs are thriving. The inaugural group of 129 students at regional campuses persisted through fall semester with a fall to spring retention rate of 89.6%. Their cumulative fall semester average GPA was 3.02. Groups 2024 recruitment is well under way and looking strong. Groups Scholars have been leading on their campuses by energizing student groups like My Sister’s Keeper at IU Northwest, Campus Activities Board at IU Southeast, and the Multicultural Affairs Club at IU East. Help us promote this program to our communities at IU East, IU Kokomo, IU Northwest, IU South Bend, and IU Southeast.
Coaching Conversations
The Coaching Conversation Model has been adopted by our academic advisors. Trainings took place on multiple regional campuses yielding 43 out of 52 (83%) academic advisors certified and using coaching conversations for holistic student support. Additionally, over 40 non-academic advisors also took advantage of the free training provided by VPSS partners.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)
The Regional Campus DEI Task Force continued to hold in person and virtual meetings to promote affinity groups and mentoring for BIPOC faculty and staff to help retain diverse faculty and staff. In-person meetings were held September 29th at IU Kokomo and April 6th at the IDEAL Conference in Indianapolis.
Regional campuses have developed individual inclusive excellence draft plans and are now receiving input through a peer review process before finalizing these plans.
Over 31 BIPOC faculty and staff attended and/or presented at the IDEAL conference sponsored by IU VPDEI Office and NCORE, serving over 750 attendees from multiple states across US.
Over 350 completions to date for DIB Vector LMS modules, to help faculty and staff at regional campuses improve their work to position regional campus student for equitable student success.
Regional campuses have hired 11 new faculty under the Presidential Diversity Hiring Initiative. Launched in the fall of 2021, the Presidential Diversity Hiring Initiative is a first-of-its-kind, a $30 million, seven-year investment that was developed for the sole purpose of helping IU campuses diversify the number of tenure-track faculty members from traditionally underrepresented groups in higher education so that students can be mentored by faculty who look like them.
During 2023-2024, 22 regional campus faculty and staff completed the IU DEI Leadership Certification program sponsored by OVPDEI, adding to the 15 previous completions in Spring 2023. The Vice President of RCOE ensured there would be at least two participants from each regional campus participating. Additional participants received a generous discounted fee to complete the leadership training opportunity which builds skills to develop a community that embraces a culture of belonging that positively impacts employee performance and engagement, innovation, resiliency, and profitability.
Regional Campus Common Calendar
In summer 2021, the Regional Faculty Council (RFC) took up the challenge to create a Regional Campus common calendar. With the rise of online course sharing and program collaboration among the campuses, differences in the campus calendars were creating a hardship for students. University Registrar Jeff Johnston presented a draft calendar for their consideration, and they began the process of intercampus collaboration toward this goal.
The RFC created a three-stage process to rise to this challenge. In stage one, each campus would gather feedback regarding the proposed calendar from the appropriate committees/faculty groups but were asked not to vote. In stage two, the RFC brought together the feedback and negotiated a compromise calendar draft that involved concessions from all groups. They realized quickly that there was no perfect solution, but they were able to create a draft that solved most issues and gave each campus something that they valued. Finally, they presented a clean compromise proposal and requested that campuses give it an up-or-down vote.
In this way, through the efforts of the many faculty and staff across the system, they arrived at the Regional Campus Common Calendar. By working through faculty governance, they were able to consider many factors that impact faculty and students in each region and still come to consensus within about six months. This three-stage process has served as a road map for considering further alignment of practice and policy across the Regional Campuses.
In spring 2023 a task force was assembled to discuss issues related to promoting research and creative work on regional campuses. The task force report raised many topics for consideration which were woven into the work of the VP’s office over the 2023-24 academic year.
The task force identified the need for more fluid management of faculty load regarding research priorities. As a result, we have encouraged academic leaders to consider faculty release time and teaching load on a three-year rolling basis via the faculty annual report process. Training and support have been extended to Deans and Chairs to help with these conversations. Another important support for the faculty annual report process will be the adoption of Symplectic Elements in the coming year. This new system for reporting faculty productivity promises to be more user-friendly, generate more robust aggregate reports, and cost less than our current system.
The task force also suggested increased sharing of research-related news from the regional campuses. The adoption of LiveWhale Content Management System has facilitated broader sharing of campus level news across university websites. A major redesign of the website for the VP’s office highlights many important faculty accomplishments from each campus.
A productive collaboration between the regional campuses and the UA Office of Research can significantly impact research productivity. This year many university research awards were opened to all faculty across the system. A review of the award criteria is expected in the coming year. Also, a successful collaboration with the Institutional Review Board (IRB) team resulted in clarification of the parameters for student research review. IRB staff have committed to training and support for faculty overseeing student research going forward.
There is more work to be done in support of regional campus research. In the coming year we hope to help coordinate a collaborative applied research project, provide additional support for faculty collaboration across campuses, and continue to explore increased sharing of library databases and resources.
Services to P12 Students
Pathway Specialists at regional campuses work with students in P12 partner schools to provide college readiness, career exploration and development, and advising services. As of mid-April 2024, Pathway Specialists across IU’s regional campuses provided over 10,000 instances of these services to P12 students during the 2023-24 academic year.
Over 3,000 middle school students participated in presentations and hands-on activities to learn about college and careers they can prepare for at an IU regional campus. Middle school students visit campus and learn about IU when a Pathway Specialist visits their classrooms and participates in school events such as career fairs and open houses.
College to Career Pathways
All regional campuses partnered with local P12 schools to offer an Education Professions college to career pathway for high school students during the 2023-24 academic year. Across the regional campuses, 25 high schools were involved including those in urban, suburban, and rural communities. The number of high schools participating is on track to increase for the 2024-25 academic year as campuses have been working with school districts to expand these opportunities.
Faculty from regional campuses have also been working together to identify the courses for college to career pathways in other disciplines including Computer Science, Criminal Justice, Exercise Science, and Business. Campuses are working with school partners to enroll high school students in these pathways for the 2024-25 academic year.
Indiana College Core (ICC)
- IU campuses continue to expand P12 school partnerships to offer the Indiana College Core. In total, IU currently has an ICC partnership with 43 school districts with 24 of those being with an IU regional campus. Campuses are actively working to increase the number of school partnerships through outreach and consultation.
- The Indiana University-Indiana College Core (IU-ICC) Network launched in February. The IU-ICC Network brings together ICC school partners across the state to share ideas and resources, and to create a network of support for offering the ICC through IU. Representatives from 20 school districts registered to attend the inaugural network meeting and will be invited to participate in upcoming meetings.